Sunday, January 04, 2009

Review and 2009 Resolutions

Yeah... its time of the year again to review past year's resolution and set new ones (a bit late this year)...
Checklist for last year resolutions:
1) Continue to participate in marathons.
Checked, participarted 2 marathons in 2008 (SAFRA and Standard Chartered)

2) Complete all the tasks at work, meaning to be more organised, focus and determined.
Checked, at least finish the big project ha.

3) Upgrade skills and knowledge.
Checked, started to pick up Korean language. Not easy but will work hard.

4) Be more supportive and responsive about dear's stuff.
50% checked, I think (Don't know dear agree on this percentage or not hee). Have to work harder on this ha, maybe can be less stubborn on certain stuffs.

Not bad bah, at least 3 out of 4 checked ha.
Anyway, time for new resolutions. Nothing much, shall set only 3 resolutions this year.

1) Able to get the job that I wanted to do.
I really hope to get that job. I will continue to work hard to gain more experience and knowledge. I also need to read more to improve on my language skills.

2) To stay healthy and happy.
Continue to jog and participate in Marathons. The first one shall be the Adidas Sundown Marathon in May 09, then the Standard Chartered in year end. Also have to eat more fruits and drink more water :)

3) Continue to be
supportive and responsive about dear's stuff.
Will continue to give support in any decision he made.

Pple, have a fruitful 2009 :) Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great =) wen