actually this happen last sunday but i dun hv the time to blog since then...
anyway still can blog now hee...
All started off from 5.30am where i hv to prepare to go to my friend's (the bride) house...
wa liew, putting on makeup is a tough job for me lor, then so early somemore ha... me not those who likes to put on makeup and seldom do that and tats why it will take longer time bah ha...
then pick up 2 more frens to share cab to the bride's hse, was a little late though cos me started off late hee...
Anyway my job for tat day is to do timekeeping... so a series of events happen... get ang bao frm bridegroom, bridegroom met the bride, then photo taking session indoor and outdoor, then "jing cha" at bridegroom's house, then go bk to the couple's new house to switch on light, nxt head back to the bride's house to "jing cha" and hv lunch...
After all events, me head bk home to catch some nap then head to the hotel for wedding dinner... nth much to do for the dinner, juz to keep time and look after the album....
Afterall, it was a fun day but its tired lar... real tired de ha...
Next week, me will be blogging abt my first marathon race. Therefore let you all preview the goodie bag which i hv collected this afternoon hee...